Pages Not Opening

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If you were able to load websites until you updated Firefox or until your Internet security software was updated, reconfigured or a new one was added, your Internet security software (including firewalls, antivirus programs, anti-spyware programs, and more) is likely preventing Firefox from connecting to.

Check Your Network Connection. First, check your network connection. Wireless connections can. Geographic Restrictions. The chances are high that the website you want to visit fell in the internet.

  • Internet Explorer 8 Is Not Displaying Pages or Opening Links (Captured from the threads Links in will not open a new window or tab in Windows 7 IE8 and Internet Explorer 8 not displaying pages or not opening up links, squirrel mail etc. On the Microsoft Answers Internet Explorer forum.
  • Restart/Reset Your Modem/ Or Reconnect: First of all the most simple solution could be restarting.


This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. The Linux implementation of thisinterface may differ (consult the corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.


open - open a file


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int open(const char *path, intoflag, ... );


The open() function shall establish the connection between a file and a file descriptor. It shall create an open file description that refers to afile and a file descriptor that refers to that open file description. The file descriptor is used by other I/O functions to refer to that file. The pathargument points to a pathname naming the file.

The open() function shall return a file descriptor for the named file that is the lowest file descriptor not currently open for that process. Theopen file description is new, and therefore the file descriptor shall not share it with any other process in the system. The FD_CLOEXEC file descriptor flagassociated with the new file descriptor shall be cleared.

The file offset used to mark the current position within the file shall be set to the beginning of the file.

The file status flags and file access modes of the open file description shall be set according to the value of oflag.

Values for oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive OR of flags from the following list, defined in <fcntl.h>. Applications shallspecify exactly one of the first three values (file access modes) below in the value of oflag:

If set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write.
If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file shall be created; the user ID of the file shall be setto the effective user ID of the process; the group ID of the file shall be set to the group ID of the file's parent directory or to the effective group ID ofthe process; and the access permission bits (see <sys/stat.h>) of the file mode shall be set to the value of the third argument taken as typemode_t modified as follows: a bitwise AND is performed on the file-mode bits and the corresponding bits in the complement of the process' file modecreation mask. Thus, all bits in the file mode whose corresponding bit in the file mode creation mask is set are cleared. When bits other than the filepermission bits are set, the effect is unspecified. The third argument does not affect whether the file is open for reading, writing, or for both.Implementations shall provide a way to initialize the file's group ID to the group ID of the parent directory. Implementations may, but need not, provide animplementation-defined way to initialize the file's group ID to the effective group ID of the calling process.
Write I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete as defined by synchronized I/O data integrity completion.
If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists. The check for the existence of the file and the creation of the file if it doesnot exist shall be atomic with respect to other threads executing open() naming the same filename in the same directory with O_EXCL and O_CREAT set. IfO_EXCL and O_CREAT are set, and path names a symbolic link, open() shall fail and set errno to [EEXIST], regardless of the contents of thesymbolic link. If O_EXCL is set and O_CREAT is not set, the result is undefined.
If set and path identifies a terminal device, open() shall not cause the terminal device to become the controlling terminal for the process.
When opening a FIFO with O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY set:
If O_NONBLOCK is set, an open() for reading-only shall return without delay. An open() for writing-only shall return an error if no processcurrently has the file open for reading.
If O_NONBLOCK is clear, an open() for reading-only shall block the calling thread until a thread opens the file for writing. An open() forwriting-only shall block the calling thread until a thread opens the file for reading.

When opening a block special or character special file that supports non-blocking opens:

Read I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete at the same level of integrity as specified by the O_DSYNC and O_SYNC flags. If both O_DSYNC andO_RSYNC are set in oflag, all I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete as defined by synchronized I/O data integrity completion. If bothO_SYNC and O_RSYNC are set in flags, all I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete as defined by synchronized I/O file integrity completion.
Write I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete as defined by synchronized I/O file integrity completion.
If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is successfully opened O_RDWR or O_WRONLY, its length shall be truncated to 0, and the mode andowner shall be unchanged. It shall have no effect on FIFO special files or terminal device files. Its effect on other file types is implementation-defined. Theresult of using O_TRUNC with O_RDONLY is undefined.

If O_CREAT is set and the file did not previously exist, upon successful completion, open() shall mark for update the st_atime,st_ctime, and st_mtime fields of the file and the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the parent directory.

If O_TRUNC is set and the file did previously exist, upon successful completion, open() shall mark for update the st_ctime and st_mtimefields of the file.

If both the O_SYNC and O_DSYNC flags are set, the effect is as if only the O_SYNC flag was set.

If path refers to a STREAMS file, oflag may be constructed from O_NONBLOCK OR'ed with either O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR. Other flag valuesare not applicable to STREAMS devices and shall have no effect on them. The value O_NONBLOCK affects the operation of STREAMS drivers and certain functionsapplied to file descriptors associated with STREAMS files. For STREAMS drivers, the implementation of O_NONBLOCK is device-specific.

If path names the master side of a pseudo-terminal device, then it is unspecified whether open() locks the slave side so that it cannot beopened. Conforming applications shall call unlockpt() before opening the slave side.

The largest value that can be represented correctly in an object of type off_t shall be established as the offset maximum in the open filedescription.

Return Value

Upon successful completion, the function shall open the file and return a non-negative integer representing the lowest numbered unused file descriptor.Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error. No files shall be created or modified if the function returns -1.


The open() function shall fail if:

The path argument names the slave side of a pseudo-terminal device that is locked.
The value of the oflag argument is not valid.
More than {SYMLOOP_MAX} symbolic links were encountered during resolution of the path argument.
As a result of encountering a symbolic link in resolution of the path argument, the length of the substituted pathname string exceeded {PATH_MAX}.
The path argument names a STREAMS file and the system is unable to allocate resources.
The file is a pure procedure (shared text) file that is being executed and oflag is O_WRONLY or O_RDWR.

The following sections are informative.


Opening a File for Writing by the Owner

The following example opens the file /tmp/file, either by creating it (if it does not already exist), or by truncating its length to 0 (if it doesexist). In the former case, if the call creates a new file, the access permission bits in the file mode of the file are set to permit reading and writing bythe owner, and to permit reading only by group members and others.

If the call to open() is successful, the file is opened for writing.

Opening a File Using an Existence Check

The following example uses the open() function to try to create the LOCKFILE file and open it for writing. Since the open() functionspecifies the O_EXCL flag, the call fails if the file already exists. In that case, the program assumes that someone else is updating the password file andexits.

Pages Not Opening In Safari

Opening a File for Writing

The following example opens a file for writing, creating the file if it does not already exist. If the file does exist, the system truncates the file tozero bytes.

Application Usage




Except as specified in this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, the flags allowed in oflag are not mutually-exclusive and any number of them may be usedsimultaneously.

Some implementations permit opening FIFOs with O_RDWR. Since FIFOs could be implemented in other ways, and since two file descriptors can be used to thesame effect, this possibility is left as undefined.

See getgroups() about the group of a newly created file.

The use of open() to create a regular file is preferable to the use of creat(), because the latter is redundant and included only forhistorical reasons.

The use of the O_TRUNC flag on FIFOs and directories (pipes cannot be open()-ed) must be permissible without unexpected side effects (for example,creat() on a FIFO must not remove data). Since terminal special files might have type-ahead data stored in the buffer, O_TRUNC should not affect theircontent, particularly if a program that normally opens a regular file should open the current controlling terminal instead. Other file types, particularlyimplementation-defined ones, are left implementation-defined.

IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 permits [EACCES] to be returned for conditions other than those explicitly listed.

The O_NOCTTY flag was added to allow applications to avoid unintentionally acquiring a controlling terminal as a side effect of opening a terminal file.This volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 does not specify how a controlling terminal is acquired, but it allows an implementation to provide this on open()if the O_NOCTTY flag is not set and other conditions specified in the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 11, General Terminal Interfaceare met. The O_NOCTTY flag is an effective no-op if the file being opened is not a terminal device.

In historical implementations the value of O_RDONLY is zero. Because of that, it is not possible to detect the presence of O_RDONLY and another option.Future implementations should encode O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY as bit flags so that:

In general, the open() function follows the symbolic link if path names a symbolic link. However, the open() function, when called withO_CREAT and O_EXCL, is required to fail with [EEXIST] if path names an existing symbolic link, even if the symbolic link refers to a nonexistent file.This behavior is required so that privileged applications can create a new file in a known location without the possibility that a symbolic link might causethe file to be created in a different location.

For example, a privileged application that must create a file with a predictable name in a user-writable directory, such as the user's home directory, couldbe compromised if the user creates a symbolic link with that name that refers to a nonexistent file in a system directory. If the user can influence thecontents of a file, the user could compromise the system by creating a new system configuration or spool file that would then be interpreted by the system. Thetest for a symbolic link which refers to a nonexisting file must be atomic with the creation of a new file.

The POSIX.1-1990 standard required that the group ID of a newly created file be set to the group ID of its parent directory or to the effective group ID ofthe creating process. FIPS 151-2 required that implementations provide a way to have the group ID be set to the group ID of the containing directory, but didnot prohibit implementations also supporting a way to set the group ID to the effective group ID of the creating process. Conforming applications should notassume which group ID will be used. If it matters, an application can use chown() to set the group ID after the file is created, or determine under whatconditions the implementation will set the desired group ID.

Yahoo pages not opening

Future Directions


See Also

chmod(), close(), creat(), dup(), fcntl(), lseek(), read(), umask(), unlockpt(),write(), the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, <fcntl.h>, <sys/stat.h>, <sys/types.h>


Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form from IEEE Std 1003.1,2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright ©2001-2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between this version and theoriginal IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained onlineat .

Referenced By


This article provides methods to solve the issue that Internet Explorer can't access certain websites and provides solutions.

Original product version: Internet Explorer 10, Internet Explorer 9
Original KB number: 967897

To resolve this problem, try the following methods in the order in which they're given.

Manually enter the shortcut

Try to open a problem website by manually entering the shortcut (web address) instead of clicking the link for that site:

  1. Right-click the link for the website, and then click Copy shortcut.
  2. Paste the shortcut into the Address bar of Internet Explorer.
  3. Press Enter.

Use the troubleshooter

If none of the previous methods resolve the problem, try to run the Network and Internet Troubleshooter. Right-click the network icon in the notification area, select Troubleshoot problems, and then select Internet Connections. The Troubleshooter might ask you some questions or reset some common settings during this process. If running the Network and Internet Troubleshooter doesn't resolve the problem, look for your specific problem in the following list.

I can access some websites, but not all of them

Pages Not Opening In Internet Explorer

  1. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

    • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press the Windows + C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter Internet options in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.

    • In the search results, tap or click Internet Options. Tap or click the Advanced tab and then tap or click Reset.


      Select the Delete personal settings check box if you would also like to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection, and ActiveX Filtering data.

    • In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings window tap or click Reset.


      To delete all personal settings, tap or click the checkbox for Delete personal settings.

    • Close and then restart Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.

  2. Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7

    • Exit all programs, including Internet Explorer.
    • If you use Windows XP, click Start > Run. Type inetcpl.cpl in the Open box, and then press Enter.
      If you use Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click the Start button. Type inetcpl.cpl in the Search box, and then press Enter. The Internet Options dialog box appears.
    • Select the Advanced tab.
    • Under Reset Internet Explorer settings, click Reset. Then click Reset again.
      Select the Delete personal settings check box if you also want to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection, and ActiveX Filtering data.
    • When Internet Explorer finishes resetting the settings, click Close in the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box.
    • Start Internet Explorer again.

If you still can't access some websites, get help from the Microsoft Community online.

For more information about How to reset settings in Internet Explorer, see video.

I can't access my bank and email websites or other secure websites

When you connect to a secure website, Internet Explorer uses an encrypted channel that uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt transactions. Corrupted information in the SSL can cause websites not to load correctly. Clearing the SLL state may resolve this problem. To do it, follow these steps for your version of Windows.

  1. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

    • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press Windows logo key+C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter Internet options in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
    • In the search results, tap or click Internet Options. Tap or click the Content tab, and then tap or click Clear SSL state.
  2. Windows Vista and Windows 7

    • Click the Start button, type Internet Explorer in the search box. In the list of results, click Internet Explorer.
    • In Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
    • Click the Content tab, and then click Clear SSL state.

If clearing the SSL state doesn't resolve the problem, the date and time settings on your PC might be incorrect. Some secure sites require that the date and time on your PC match the date and time of the website. To check the date and time, follow these steps for your version of Windows.

  1. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

    • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press the Windows + C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter date and time in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
    • In the search results, tap or click Date and Time, and then tap or click Change date and time.
    • In the Date and Time Setting window, set the current date and time.
    • Click OK, click Apply, and then click OK.
  2. Windows Vista and Windows 7

    • In Control Panel, open Date and Time. To do it, click the Start button, type date and time in the Start Search box, and then click Date and Time in the Programs list.
    • Click Change date and time.
    • In the Date and Time Settings dialog box, set the date and time to the correct values.
    • Click OK two times.

If the date and time settings on your PC were correct, some incompatible or defective Internet Explorer add-ons might be interfering with the website. You might be able to resolve this problem if you turn off these add-ons. To automatically disable a list of known incompatible add-ons, run the Internet Explorer Add-on Fix it. When you are asked whether you want to run or save the file, click Run, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

If the Add-on Fix it doesn't resolve this problem, changes were made to your installation of Internet Explorer might be preventing you from viewing some websites. You can reset Internet Explorer to its original settings to remove any changes without deleting your favorites or feeds. To automatically reset the Internet Explorer settings, run the following Reset Internet Explorer Settings Fix it. When you are asked whether you want to run or save the file, click Run, and then follow these steps in the wizard.

  1. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

    • Disable add-ons

      • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press the Windows + C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter Internet options in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
      • In the search results, tap or click Internet Options. Tap or click the Programs tab, then tap or click Manage add-ons.
      • In the Manage add-ons window, tap or click the dropdown under Show, then tap or click All add-ons.
      • Tap or click each add-on, and then tap or click Disable. When you are finished, tap or click OK.
    • Reset Internet Explorer to its original settings

      • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press the Windows + C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter Internet options in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
      • In the search results, tap or click Internet Options. Tap or click the Advanced tab and then tap or click Reset....


      Select the Delete personal settings check box if you would also like to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection, and ActiveX Filtering data.

      • In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings window tap or click Reset.


      To delete all personal settings, tap or click the checkbox for Delete personal settings.

      • Close and then restart Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.

If you still can't access secure websites, get help from the Microsoft Community online.

I can't access any websites

If you can't view any websites, you are probably disconnected from the Internet. Try to run the Network and Internet Troubleshooter. Right-click the network icon in the notification area, select Troubleshoot problems, and then select Internet Connections. The Troubleshooter might ask you some questions or reset some common settings during this process.

If the date and time settings on your PC were correct, some incompatible or defective Internet Explorer add-ons might be interfering with the website. You might be able to resolve this problem if you turn off these add-ons. To automatically disable a list of known incompatible add-ons, run the Internet Explorer Add-on Fix it. When you are asked whether you want to run or save the file, click Run, and then follow these steps in the wizard for your version of Windows.

  1. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

    • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if you're using a mouse, press the Windows + C keys), and then tap or click Search. Enter Troubleshooting in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
    • Tap or click Troubleshooting in the search results pane.
    • In the Troubleshooting window, tap or click View all.
    • Tap or click Internet Explorer Performance, and in the Internet Explorer Performance window, tap or click Next.
    • Follow the onscreen instructions to run the Troubleshooter.

If the Add-on Fix it doesn't resolve this problem, it's possible that changes were made to your installation of Internet Explorer that is preventing you from viewing some websites. You can reset Internet Explorer to its original settings to remove any changes without deleting your favorites or feeds. To automatically reset the Internet Explorer settings, run the following Reset Internet Explorer Settings Fix it. When you are asked whether you want to run or save the file, click Run, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

If you still can't access websites, get help from the Microsoft Community online.


If you still can't access some websites after you follow the steps in this article, you can try the following resources for more support.

  • Help from Microsoft Community online: Microsoft Community.
  • More Microsoft online articles: Perform a search to find more online articles about this specific error.