Create Simulator Build Ios

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Open the PropertyFinder.xcodeproj in the ios folder with Xcode, then build and run. The simulator will start and display the following: If you encounter a compiler error indicating 'config.h' file not found in the third-party target, you may need to install Glog manually. Try these instructions. Platform: Web extension (browser-based) Pricing plans: Free 3. IOS Simulator in Xcode. Apple’s homegrown Xcode software development environment for Mac comes with its own app simulator for iOS.

Generate a Simulator Build

In order to generate a simulator build you will:
  • Find the folder containing your xcode project.
  • Open a terminal and run a couple of commands to generate the build.

ind your Xcode project directory

The easiest way to find your Xcode project is to use Xcode itself. Control-click on your project and select Show in Finder:

Open a Terminal and Find Your Simulator SDK Version

Click on the tasks menu in finder,
Open With and Terminal. This will open the finder and automatically select the .xcodeproj directory.
This will open a terminal with the right directory already opened:
Change the working directory for the shell inside of the terminal so that it's set to the parent directory:
Figure out which SDKs versions are available by running the following command in the terminal:xcodebuild -showsdks

Ios Simulator For Windows

What you want from this output is the string for the iOS Simulator SDK. Choose the most recent version if you have more than one installed:

Build the Simulator Package

In your terminal you will want to run this command with the proper simulator SDK string replaced with the string you found in the previous step:
xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator{version}

If you are using workspace instead of xcodeproj
xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator{version} -workspace [projectName].xcworkspace -scheme [projectName]

Ios Simulator For Mac

For example:
This should generate a build. If the build was successful you should see a lot of output from the build tools followed by the string ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** in your terminal.Create Simulator Build Ios
Your build path is
{base directory}/build/Release-iphonesimulator/{projectname}.app
If you build the workspace.
{Derive data directory}/build/Release-iphonesimulator/{projectname}.app
It is your final Simulator Build.

How to run it on Simulator?

your simulator build by running ios-sim launch <path to .app> and verify that the app opens in the simulator.

If you get error with error message: -bash: ios-sim: command not found.
Follow the step to install the ios-sim

  • Download node.js from for your system.
  • Open node package file.
  • Install it on your system.
  • Open the terminal and run the command: $ sudo npm install ios-sim -g

Ios Simulator Free Online

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Last updated: May 27, 2020 09:16

Testing on simulators requires an .app file (not an .ipa file). This is a restriction imposed by Apple.

You can generate an app build for testing on a simulator either through the command line or through XCode. This article provides information on both options.

To create a build through the command line
  1. Open a command line window and go to the app directory.
  2. To build the XCode project and generate the build, run the following command:

    If the application is developed in a workspace, that is if the project directory includes a .xcworkspace file, use the following command instead:

  3. When a success message appears at the end of the command, you can access the build at the following location:
    The app is located in the following directory:

The xcodebuild command has multiple options, such as scheme, target, and architecture. Make sure to use the correct scheme to generate the expected build. You can run the xcodebuild -list command to view all available schemes, targets, and architectures.

Following are examples of how you can override the default settings:

  • -derivedDataPath
    This option lets you specify a directory for the build products. For example, if you run the following command, the app resides at ./build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ instead of in the default directory:
    xcodebuild -scheme Example -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath build
  • -destination
    This option lets you build for a specific device. For example, if you run the following command, the app built is intended for iPhone 11 with iOS 13.3:
    xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=13.3'

For additional information on the various build actions and how to use the command, you can run the following commands or see Apple's Building from the Command Line with Xcode FAQ:

Ios Simulator Online

  • man xcodebuild
  • xcodebuild -help

Ios Simulator Download

To create a build through Xcode Ios simulator for mac
  1. Open the app in Xcode.
  2. Build the application with the simulator target.
  3. When the build has completed successfully, in the file navigator, right-click the Products folder and select Show in Finder. This opens the folder with the simulator build.