Jw Org Daily

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  1. Jw.org Daily Text 2018
  2. Jw.org Daily Scripture

Ponder over these things.​—1 Tim. 4:15.

We discovered some priceless truths when we first began to associate with God’s people. We learned that Jehovah is our Creator and Life-Giver and that he has a purpose for mankind. We also learned that God lovingly provided the ransom sacrifice of his Son so that we might be freed from sin and death. We further learned that his Kingdom will end all suffering and that we have the prospect of living forever in peace and happiness under Kingdom rule. (John 3:16; Rev. 4:11; 21:3, 4) From time to time, our understanding of a Bible prophecy or some Scriptural passage may be adjusted. When such new understandings are provided, we ought to take time to study the information carefully and meditate on it. (Acts 17:11) We seek to understand clearly not only the major adjustments but also the subtle differences between the old understanding and the new one. In this way, we are certain to place the new truth securely in our own treasure store. w17.06 12-13 ¶15-16

2 JOHN 1-13;3 JOHN 1-14JUDE 1-25

  • Song 128 and Prayer

  • Opening Comments (3 min. or less)


  • We Must Fight to Stay in the Truth”: (10 min.)

    • [Play the video Introduction to 2 John.]

    • [Play the video Introduction to 3 John.]

    • [Play the video Introduction to Jude.]

    • Jude 3​—“Put up a hard fight for the faith” (w04 9/15 11-12 ¶8-9)

  • Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)

    • Jude 4, 12​—Why were the ungodly men who had slipped into the congregation likened to “the rocks hidden below water at . . . love feasts”? (it-2 279, 816)

    • Jude 14, 15​—Why did Enoch speak of a future event in the past tense, and what is the fulfillment of his prophecy? (wp17.1 12 ¶1, 3)

    • What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?

    • What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?

  • Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) 2Jo 1-13 (th study 12)


  • Initial Call Video: (4 min.) Play and discuss the video.

  • Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Use the sample conversation. (th study 1)

  • Initial Call: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. Respond to an objection common in your territory. (th study 6)

  • Initial Call: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. Then leave a jw.org contact card. (th study 11)


Jw.org daily text

Jw.org Daily Text 2018

  • Local Needs: (15 min.)

  • Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 90

  • Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)

  • Song 147 and Prayer

Study Article 37: November 11-17, 2019

Jw.org Daily Scripture

14 Readily Submit to Jehovah​—Why and How?